
Christmas Greetings from the AQT!

We are three days away from Christmas. How are you on  your shopping? Have you  been finished since Black Friday or are you still scavenging the stores for that perfect gift? Are your homes filled with warmth and cheer? How many holiday parties have you attended or thrown? Without a doubt, this is one of the most exciting, stressful, and joyous times of the year. People all over the world are celebrating their holiday of choice and then making new years resolutions to make the new year special. Here on the AQT, quilt squares and downtown’s are filled and decorated with holiday splendor. Christmas lights are strewn, local Christmas trees are being cut and decorated, snow if even falling in certain elevations.

As we get closer and closer to Christmas I can’t help but think of some very special Christmas songs about the south. Mainly “Tender Tennessee Christmas” and “Christmas in Dixie”. We do have some very special moments here below the Mason-Dixon line. Only here can you get snow and sunshine for Christmas. Snow glistens and lays differently on the mountains here. On the Blue Ridge they snow has that blue hue, the Smokies have an even more smoky look to them.  Some of the areas along the quilt trail can remind you of a snow globe because you are nestled by the mountains, snow is blanketing the ground, and then snowflakes are falling.

What is Christmas like in your part of the world? Any fun traditions in your neck of the woods? Please share!


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!